Fenbendazole + Ivermectin - An enhanced ’off-label’ drug anti-cancer protocol?

Fenbendazole + Ivermectin - An enhanced ’off-label’ drug anti-cancer protocol?

Some cancer patients want to use off-label or repurposed drugs as part of a total programme using natural compounds as well; here CANCERactive creates an easy to follow, integrative 3-in-1 anti-cancer protocol.

The CANCERactive enhanced anti-cancer protocol (The CAP 3-in-1 Protocol)

I am regularly asked questions such as: “Chris, you’ve done a great job and got my cancer stable. It has been stable for more than two years. Can we do anything now to reduce it further? What about off-label drugs?” (writes Chris Woollams)

Now, I first suggested a patient used off-label drugs back in about 2007/2008, and I also wrote an article about ‘Building an off label drug protocol', back then. It’s an article we have updated many times, as more research comes in.

Go to: Building an off-label drugs protocol for cancer?

In it, right up front, I ask an important question: "Why would anyone in their right mind want to build only an off-label drugs protocol?" Surely, you want the best compound for the job - and by 'best' I mean everything from the most effective to the least side-effects. And as we always tell you, 'programmes beat cancer'.

Take Berberine vs Metformin. Berberine is a herb; Metformin a drug. Both cut blood sugar, We have a review on metformin HERE. Metformin is inconsistent. Great for Er+ve breast cancer, but research shows it can make TNBC worse. In Melanoma patients with a BRAF mutation, Metformin can accelerate the cancer. I'm not sure you should use it with BRAF colorectal cancer either!

Berberine attacks microbes and reduces inflammation in the body; Metformin does neither. Berberine cuts homocysteine, which builds up before cancer and other chronic illnesses; Metformin increases it (7) and with long-term use it can even contribute to neuropathy. Which one am I going to use?

Yes, we do suggest Atorvastatin, but we know a small daily aspirin helps it produce better results; and we use CoQ10 with it to prevent myopathy (The Mayo Clinic states that this is important too). Atorvastatin provides four years extra survival (which was found in an Australian study on women with breast cancer, colorectal and melanoma). With CoQ10 and aspirin, it should be more.

We also understand Atorvastatin's limitations - for example it offers zero benefit with certain cancers like lymphoma (there's a meta-analysis concluding nil benefit), and little with brain cancer. There's even a Swedish population study showing statins increase the risk of bladder cancer!

We suggest Propranolol for ovarian cancer because there’s research from MD Anderson showing four years increased survival with high grade serous, it also reduces cancer risk according to a large population study. But if you have cancer, there's limited evidence for increasing survival and we use Ashwagandha for cancers where there's no research on the drug as, again, it's a beta-blocker and can have unwanted side-effects. We almost always use Turmeric rather that Dipyridamole; and Oregano oil (or Artemisinin) rather than Itraconazole.

And we never use Doxycycline because we understand from the HUMAN MICROBIOME PROJECT that you cannot build a healthy body without first having a healthy gut and Doxycycline is a bog standard antibiotic and ‘scars’ the gut according to research.

But let's be clear. To beat cancer you should attack both the cancer cells AND the cancer stem cells, or there will always be a concern that the stem cells will cause recurrence.

So with this in mind, is there an off-label protocol that might help and which you could reinforce with natural compounds and diet? After all, that’s how Professor Ben Williams beat his GBM - I think of it as four concentric circles - he took conventional drugs, surrounded by off-label drugs, surrounded by natural compounds, surrounded by Lifestyle changes in diet, exercise and more.

Mebendazole is one of the drugs Ben Williams used and it is similar to Fenbendazole. They are both anthelmintic drugs. Doctors and Oncologists cannot prescribe Fenbendazole - it is not licensed for humans; they’d be struck off. It was, however, originally tested on humans.

Let's continue with FenBen as an illustration -

Building the CANCERactive anti-cancer protocol around Fenbendazole?

Joe Tippens, an avid researcher who was given three months to live, decided to try Panacur with the agreement of his American medical consultant. Joe took a combination of nutrients to support the main ingredient, Fenbendazole, while deciding not to change his diet, when his NSCLC was in the final stages. It worked!

* Let’s start by looking at Joe Tippens' original protocol for Fenbendazole

  • 1 gram granules of canine drug ‘Panacur C’, these contain 222 mg of Fenbendazole; taken 3 days on, 4 days off. Some protocols even increase the dose to 1000 mg.

  • Vitamin E Succinate (800 IU daily)

  • Curcumin (600mg daily)

  • CBD oil (25mg per day)

From our 20+ years of anti-cancer experience, we would suggest patients use ''total' complete vitamin E with all 4 tocopherols and all 4 tocotrienols, instead of the succinate version. We also think that the curcumin dose should be at least 1 gm; alongside olive oil and piperine (black pepper). 

Now, we are not excluding Mebendazole - there are arguments for using both Fenbendazole AND Mebendazole (2 x 100 mg daily). It all depends on your cancer, its stage etc etc. We are just trying to keep things simple.

Is there more research on Fenbendazole other than just one man? Yes, in 2021, Doctors from Stanford Medical School (1) treated patients with Grade 4, stage 4 bladder and kidney cancer and used increasing levels of FenBen to 1 gm. 

We have a review on the anti-cancer abilities of FenBen HERE.

* Adding Cancer Stem Cell killer Ivermectin

How good is Ivermectin against cancer? We have a Review on IVM and cancer HERE. On top of that, there's research specifically on its benefits as a cancer stem cell killer (2) and in vivo trials using mice with breast cancer showed that IVM was not as good as Paclitaxel at killing off cancer cells, but was excellent at killing cancer stem cells. All this from the safest drug the FDA ever approved.

Finally, there is a September 24th 2024 peer reviewed study on Fenbendazole or Mebendazole Plus Ivermectin (3).

So, Fenbendazole and Ivermectin - two parts of the Protocol. You can buy both from the USA, Europe and India. Chris Woollams has prepared a protocol for private patients, totally based on research.

As you would expect - the exact protocol depends on the patient and what they are trying to achieve, their age, current state of health, cancer etc. There's no 'one-size-fits-all'. 


* What else could we do in the CANCERactive Protocol?

BUILD A PROGRAMME - here's a checklist - 

i) Restricting Blood sugar - We suggest patients add both Berberine (3 x 500 mg) and Quercetin (2 x 500 mg) to enhance the anti-cancer, sugar reducing and antiinflammatory effects. We want fasting blood sugar levels to be around 4.0-4.5 mmol/dL (70 -85 mg/dL) to restrict the cancer's ability to feed.

ii) Restricting Cholesterol and triglycerides - We want your cholesterol levels to be around 4.0-4.5 mmol/L (155 - 170 mg/dL). if above 4.5 mmol/L, we would use Atorvastatin or Simvastatin, with a small aspirin (to enhance action) and CoQ10 (100-200 mg) to protect you.

iii) Restricting angiogenesis - We may use Lycopene, Honokiol and Dandelion or Modified Citrus Pectin depending on the cancer and research available.

iv) Restricting cancer spread - Depending upon the cancer, we suggest an antihistamine especially after surgery; either Cimetidine or Loratadine (US: Claritin) to restrict cancer spread.

v) Managing stress - Depending on the cancer, you could use stress and anxiety beta-blocker Propranolol. But the truth is that there's a lot you can do starting with prayer and meditation. We do use Ashwagandha (3 x 500 mg) to reduce stress hormones and inflammation; And, yes, we do use CBD oil (and sometimes Frankincense topically, or CBD and Boswellia (2 x 200-250mg) orally.

vi) Attack cancer cells - We also like to use Melatonin (20 mg before bed); a huge anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer agent, it can correct cancer cells, reduce cancer stem cell levels and lower growth hormone. Always sleep in a room that is completely dark and EMF-free. We often add Indole 3 carbinol to aid those effects. But you must go outdoors for 2 hours a day - it's a little-known fact that you make up to 100 times more melatonin by day. Frankly, we don't find any benefit in higher doses of Melatonin (20 mg is more than enough).

vii) Get the basics right - ensure your oxygen levels are 99% (taken after sitting for at least 45 minutes), your vitamin D levels are 125 nmol/L. Ensure you have low homocysteine levels, below 12 and ideally 10 (Fish oils and B complex including Folate), or Turmeric or berberine all reduce this driver. Ensure you take 350 mg (female) or 450 mg (male) a day especially if you're taking any drugs or antibiotics

viii) Use a green juice or smoothie. Natural kale, broccoli, cucumber, celery, plus a 'Supergreens' mix containing chlorella, wheat grass and sea moss/kelp for some iodine. Never put fruit in this; you will get too big a sugar hit. But we always use five or more grams of ginger root in a pint of juice - wonderfully anti-inflammatory, kills microbes, and cuts blood fats and blood sugar. The green juice promotes oxygen levels, is an estradiol-blocker, and allows you to make and regulate glutathione, the number two antioxidant, called up by melatonin to help it in its work reducing free-radicals in your cells.

ix) Colourful Rainbow Diet - We would definitely want patients to employ a Mediterranean lifestyle - it's a LIFESTYLE - diet, exercise, outdoors for 2-3 hours a day, good sleep and a sense of community, fun and involvement. 95 research studies and voted the healthiest diet, and the healthiest plant-based diet in the world for six years in a row. As we've always shown - it protects and corrects.


See - Rainbow Diet - it's a healthy lifestyle not just a diet.


x) Rebuild your gut - We would always want patients to rebuild their microbiome. See reference (4) to rebuild yours starting today.


* Ignore this at your peril. We have US research that people who take just 2 drugs for 4 rounds and only two weeks of antibiotics have still lost 73% of their microbiome even after one year!!!


See - rescuing patients after drugs and antibiotics


* There's very clear research that women who don't have a healthy microbiome with breast cancer have much lowered survival that those who do.


See - an unhealthy gut worsens breast cancer survival.


xi) The power of Belief - We would want you to understand the importance of your mind and believing that you can beat cancer. See reference (5).


xii) Calm Down - never ever become a Professional Cancer patient. You should spend just 5 per cent of your life max. thinking about cancer. The other 95 per cent should be doing things you enjoy.


The CA 3-in-1 PROTOCOL


There you have it. A CANCERactive enhanced off-label drugs protocol. FENBENDAZOLE, IVERMECTIN plus 12 steps towards building a healthier body. That is, after all, the end goal. A healthy new you. The 3-in-1 enhanced, off label drug protocol. We may suggest others depending up you, your stage, blood tests and so on. And the off-label drugs are only a part of the Total Programme.


We do often suggest Low Dose Naltrexone - 0.5 mg rising to 4.5 mg, with CBD; it is a good immune booster and can reduce pain. This depends upon circumstances.


If you noticed we say words like 'sometimes' and 'usually', it is because there is an increasing amount of research on off-label drugs and you need to understand that One size does not fit all - the same 4 drugs are not right for everyone


You need help from someone who understands your cancer AND has put a lot of time and effort into researching each of these off-label drugs. Remember, they are drugs. They can interact negatively especially with other drugs; they might not be right for you or your cancer.


Why not talk to our own Chris Woollams on building an anti-cancer protocol? Be clear, he is not a doctor and does not prescribe anything, but he certainly can suggest a strategy for someone's cancer and help find doctors who will prescribe the drugs.


Chris has a good record with more than 85 per cent of his patients being word-of-mouth references. See - Feedback and comments on Personal Prescriptions with Chris Woollams





p53 deficiency? You should also find out if you are p53 deficient See reference (6). If you are, you might not need an off-label drug protocol per se. Your cancer might be linked to a deficiency - a turned off p53 gene. If so, you might be better taking a more natural metabolic approach using a combination of natural compounds and an off label drug that can turn your p53 gene back on. As we said above: Talk to an expert who understands your wider options.


Go to: A metabolic Therapy for cancer - correcting p53 deficiency





1. Stanford Study on Fenbendazole - https://www.onedaymd.com/2024/08/fenbendazole-in-stage-4-cancers-2021.html. 

2.  Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stemlike cells - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29257278/ 

3. Targeting the Mitochondrial-Stem Cell Connection in Cancer Treatment: A Hybrid Orthomolecular Protocol; Ilyes Baghli et al; Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 

4. Heal your gut now - https://chriswoollamshealthwatch.com/featured/heal-your-gut-now-hug-it/.

5. How your mind can help you fight cancer - www.canceractive.com/article/how-your%20mind%20can%20help%20you%20fight%20cancer 

6. TP53, p53 and cancer - https://www.canceractive.com/article/tp53-p53%20and%20cancer

7. Association of metformin, elevated homocysteine, and methylmalonic acid levels and clinically worsened diabetic peripheral neuropathy; Daryl J Wile, Cory Toth; Diabetes Care 2010



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