Artificial Sweeteners severely damage the gut microbiome

Artificial Sweeteners severely damage the gut microbiome

Common sweeteners like sucralose, aspartame and saccharin have again been shown to damage this gut microbiome, this time causing commensal bacteria to change characteristics, damage the gut wall and move to the blood stream from where they can attack and damage organs like the liver, spleen and kidneys


We’ve warned you about the dangers of sweeteners before in several articles but despite research studies linking, for example, aspartame to a doubling of risk for blood and lymph cancers, Government Health Authorities chose to downplay the risks. This decision must now be ripe for change.

Sweeteners consumed in many items from yoghurt to fizzy soft drinks were first shown in 2014 by Israeli scientists to damage the microbiome. Aspartame, sucralose and saccharin destroyed gut bacteria and negatively affected glucose metabolism.

Worse, new research from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge has shown that not only do the artificial sweeteners damage the microbiome, they can even convert healthy commensal bacteria into harmful pathogens.

Like any human family, gut bacterial families contain good and bad members. The researchers showed that two bacteria - Esherichia coli, and Enterococcus faecalis - were converted by artificial sweeteners from the nice friendly members to the bad and nasty type. Further changes also occurred in the gut lining epithelial cells (CACO-2) because of the formation of biofilms by the bad bacteria. This then allowed the two bad bacteria to cross the intestinal lining and move into the bloodstream and then on to the liver, spleen and kidneys where they cause infection and damage. Dr Havovi Schecher warned that just two cans of diet Coca Cola were enough to cause permanent damage to the Intestinal Flora.

Go to: Aspartame link to increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma, again


  1. Common Sweeteners can cause bacteria to invade intestines -


  Approved by the Medical Board. Click Here 


2021 Research
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