Brian Coombes, Professor of Biochemistry, and a team at McMaster University have shown that even after killing off a serious bout of food–poisoning (for example, from Salmonella or Listeria) patients show a presence of adherent-invasive E. coli (AIEC) which slowly but surely grows until its presence can become a serious problem, even after the original causal bacteria were long-gone.
The research study used mice given Salmonella. Coombes’ team showed that the E. coli linked to a greater risk of both Crohn’s Disease and colorectal cancer. There was also a reduced life expectancy.
Worryingly, this food-poisoning seems to occur more in younger adults.
In a separate study, Maryland Medical School have shown that pathogens can live in the human body for 20 years or more before they become a problem, which would fit with the McMaster University study.
Chris Woollams, founder of CANCERactive and former Oxford University biochemist said, “We have repeatedly told readers of the link between an imbalanced gut microbiome, microbes and inflammation and colorectal cancer. In 2017, the University of Otago identified many subtypes of colorectal cancer and linked each to different mRNA messages produced by different pathogens. Elsewhere on our website we talk of the link to lowered levels of a sugar-metabolising Clostridium strain, and a higher than normal presence of carcinogen-stimulating Fusobacterium - this comes from the SYNCAN study. In that study, people taking daily probiotics have been shown to lower their risk of colorectal cancer”.
Go to: Overview on Colorectal Cancer - symptoms, causes and alternative treatments
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