Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez treated cancer patients with a cancer diet therapy that included pancreatic enzymes and a host of natural compounds and vitamins as part of a total alternative cancer protocol - the Gonzalez Protocol.
He then completed a clinical trial using his protocol with patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, supervised by the National Cancer Institute and funded by Nestle. The results of that study were published in the peer reviewed journal Nutrition and Cancer and reported the best results ever in the treatment of the disease.
The Gonzalez Clinic is in New York where he worked with Dr. Linda Isaacs, who has continued their work despite his death. (Chris Woollams, CANCERactive 2017)
This article looks, not just at the work of Gonzalez but at the work of Dr. William Donald Kelley, and the origins of the theory that pancreatic enzymes may be able to correct cancer cells and be an alternative cancer cure.
Pancreatic enzymes - an alternative cancer cure?
Dr. Nicholas J Gonzalez, MD had been investigating nutritional approaches to cancer and other diseases ranging from chronic fatigue syndrome to multiple sclerosis since 1981 and was in practice in New York since 1987.
Pancreatic enzymes may be orally ingested and are acid stable
Gonzalez worked with Linda L. lsaacs MD since 1985. As part of this, Gonzalez has treated a variety of different cancers with great success. Since his death, his work at the clinic is continued by Linda Isaacs ( Contact: https://thegonzalezprotocol.com/contact/)
An alternative Pancreatic Cancer Therapy that worked?
Gonzalez then attempted to have full clinical trials behind his therapy. "We did complete a trial of our therapy with patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, supervised by the National Cancer Institute and funded by Nestle. The results of that study were published in the peer reviewed journal Nutrition and Cancer and reported the best results ever in the treatment of the disease.
As a result of that data, our US National Cancer Institute funded a large-scale clinical trial,which turned out to be, unfortunately, a nightmare of mismanagement. A paper was published a year ago without our knowledge claiming our therapy didn't work, but the paper was a complete misrepresentation of the large scale clinical trial.
I have written a lengthy rebuttal of the recently published article on our website at: http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/jco_rebuttal.htm"
So said Dr Gonzalez in a personal note to me.
In 2012 Gonzalez went further - incensed by what he felt was a 'stitch up', he published a book: 'What Went Wrong - the truth behind the clinical trial of the enzyme treatment of cancer'.
Dr Paul J Rosche, Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, New York Medical School writes about the book of the trial as follows:
This book is about a $1.4 million grant awarded by the National Cancer Institute in 1998 to do a controlled clinical trial comparing the chemotherapeutic drug Gemzar to Dr Gonzalez enzyme approach in the treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer. Dr Gonzalez documents how the study was mismanaged, how he had no control over the selection of patients, and how the protocol was violated in numerous ways that were subsequently confirmed by regulatory authorities. Nevertheless, a misleading article was published without his knowledge and none of the responsible parties were (sic) ever admonished or held accountable. This tragic tale tends to support a growing suspicion that the cancer cartel of organizations, government agencies and vested interests is devoted more to preserving their enormous profits and reputations than to the prevention and cure of cancer.
The Gonzalez Protocol - a diet therapy that beats cancer?
Gonzalez has developed an approach to pancreatic cancer and, indeed any cancer, using a personally tailored Diet therapy and incorporating pancreatic enzymes, which have cancer-killing properties. The theory behind this work originated at Edinburgh University in the early twentieth century, and Gonzalez interest was heightened during his period of study with William Kelley DDS, who developed a general and successful cancer treatment and recorded it in a book called "One Answer to Cancer".
In the earlier cases submitted in 1993 to the NCI, Gonzalez had treated a variety of cancers in a variety of patients. Based on this presentation, the NCI suggested he pursue a pilot study with patients diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer - the theory being that because of the seriousness of this cancer, clear results would be quick to obtain. Cancer of the pancreas is rarely curable and five-year survival rates are only 4 per cent in the USA.
Gonzalez and Isaacs completed a pilot study, published in 1999, showing that patients on the Gonzalez regime lived on average 17.5 months - or three times longer than those taking conventional chemotherapy. So this is political dynamite.
The follow-up clinical trial used a nutritional therapy of supplements (from vitamins to animal glandular products), plus coffee enemas and pancreatic enzymes in patients diagnosed with Grade II, III and IV pancreatic cancers. And it competed with a control group of patients taking standard chemotherapy.
Though initially a minimum of 72 patients were to be enrolled in the study, far fewer eventually were admitted by the Principal Investigator at Columbia University.
The published paper from that trial, written without Dr. Gonzalez' knowledge or consent, according to Gonzalez misrepresented the findings and claimed that chemotherapy had worked better when, in fact, the majority of patients on the nutritional arm were unable or unwilling to follow their chemo treatment."
Clearly there is merit in the Gonzalez Therapy so let us look at the whole issue in a little more detail.
Dr. John Beard (1858-1924)
In 1906 a Mancunian embryologist working in Edinburgh, Dr. John Beard, proposed that pancreatic enzymes could represent the body's main defence against cancer.
First, he noticed that in the womb the implantation of the embryo with its trophoblast into the uterus wall involved an incredibly precise fusion of hormones and chemicals all within the space of a couple of days. He also noticed that the placenta stopped growing on the precise day that the pancreas of the foetus became active and started to secrete its own enzymes (around day 56).
The Trophoblast - one solution to the medical enigma of our time
Since there was no logic to a foetus needing pancreatic enzymes for digestion - nutrition is provided via the placenta in a pre-digested form - he concluded that these pancreatic enzymes must have another function.
Beard also noted that placental cells (trophoblast cells) looked somewhat like cancer cells; they were undifferentiated, capable of very rapid growth, invasion into nearby tissue, capable of forming new blood cells and so on. All rather like a cancer cell.
And he hypothesised that if pancreatic enzymes could stop this growth maybe they could do it with cancer cells too.
He then took trypsin (a pancreatic enzyme) and injected it into mouse sarcomas achieving a tumour regression in every case. At the time Beard believed the enzymes had to be injected to bypass the stomachs hydrochloric acid, but in recent years it has been demonstrated that orally digested pancreatic enzymes are, in fact, acid stable and work just as well.
Beard then developed what is called the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer. The theory ran that the earliest blob of cells in the foetus was simply a rapidly dividing mass of undifferentiated cells. But each of us has such germ cells, or stem cells, in our bodies throughout our lives - they circulate in our bodies to act as precursor, healing cells. They arrive at a place of inflammation, or a wound, and turn into the type of cell required to repair that particular problem. Repair is a continuous process in all of us.
However, sometimes these trophoblasts are not switched over to normal stomach lining cells or liver cells, and instead continue to produce more and more undifferentiated cells.
Beard believed oestrogen maintained these cancer-like cells whilst pancreatic enzymes neutralised them
Baird went on to theorise that the female sex hormone, oestrogen, kept these trophoblast cells in their undifferentiated, rapidly dividing state, whilst pancreatic enzymes like trypsin or chymotrypsin either switched them over to normal cells or could in some way attack them, enabling the immune system to recognise them and neutralise them.
He went further to suggest that cancer was rather like 'having a baby growing in the wrong place at the wrong time'. Certainly Professor Wang and his team in America in 2004, covered elsewhere on our Website, concluded that stomach cancer could be formed when oestrogen kept stem cells in their rapidly dividing form, rather than allowing them to convert to normal, new and healthy stomach lining cells. He called his theory "a revolutionary breakthrough". Others may think he was 93 years late!
In 1911 Dr. Beard published The Enzyme Therapy of Cancer, but after his death in 1924 the theory was basically forgotten, especially with the advent of Marie Curie and her radiation work.
Dr. W D Kelley
Gonzalez himself became interested in this theory when he was at Cornell University Medical School in 1981. Gonzalez had met a Dr William Donald Kelley, a dentist, who had actually been treating cancer patients for 20 years. As part of his fourth years work he reviewed the work of Kelley, a man much attacked by the establishment for his theories, and this turned into a formal 2-year research project. In this Gonzalez reviewed 50 of Kelley's patients, initially given a poor prognosis but all of whom enjoyed long term survival and cancer regression with Kelley's protocol.
Gonzalez then thoroughly analysed 22 patients, all of whom had visited Kelley between 1974 and 1982 with pancreatic cancer. He interviewed those still alive, relatives of the decreased and obtained full medical records.
The study showed that Kelley had delivered results far beyond those of orthodox medicine
Despite a thorough 5-year research study, the report was met with scorn and ridicule because, of course, it showed that Kelley's nutritional and enzyme approach had delivered results far beyond those of orthodox medicine.
The William Kelley metabolic approach to cancer
Kelley believed each of us has their own personal metabolic code. His aim was to find this unique metabolism and stimulate it. Kelley took the work of Beard and theorised that the formation of cancer was clear. Excess female hormones were responsible for changing a stem cell into a trophoblast cell. In simple English, this means that cancer is the growth of normal tissue, but at the wrong time and in the wrong place. It progresses because of a lack of cancer digesting enzymes in the body and Kelley believed the pancreas, through its enzymes, was the primary cancer fighter in the body. So his solution was to get pancreatic enzymes to the cancer site and inhibit the growth, but control the rate of attack, otherwise toxins would flood the body and cause problems elsewhere. Kelley's treatment was divided into five parts:
1: Nutritional therapy - to break down the cancer cells; megavitamins, minerals, high dose vitamin C, bioflavenoids, coenzymes, raw almonds, amino acids and raw beef formula with pancreatic enzymes.
2: Detoxification - to cleanse the dead cells and toxins from the body; laxative purges, Epsom salt, fasts, lemon juice, coffee enemas (for anything from three weeks to 12 months).

3: Diet- to rebalance the body, the cellular metabolism and the immune system; at the outset he advocated a strict vegetarian diet, but modified this as he identified different individual types. Indeed he strongly advocated Metabolic typing - that your ideal diet for health needed to reflect your personal metabolic type. In all he ended up with 10 different diet types and 95 variations
4: Neurological stimulation - to allow free flow of body energy, especially to cancer site; for example, using osteopaths, chiropractors or physiotherapists. (A modern equivalent might be the use of a cranial osteopath to manipulate not just the skeletal structure but also the free-flow of body energy.)
5: Spiritual - to lift the spirits, and call upon the universal good; Kelley urged patients to trust in God, to read The Bible and to pray.
Kelley monitored a patient's progress using his own Kelley Malignancy System. Over a 20-year period, he reputedly treated 455 patients with 26 different cancers and claimed excellent results.
In 1986, probably due to endless criticism and pressure, Kelley retired. However, Gonzalez took up the mantle in 1987. By July 1993 the then Associate Director for Cancer Therapy at the NCI invited him to present his work. What they saw proved interesting on a number of different cancers.
What they saw proved interesting on a number of different cancers
Pancreatic cancer was chosen for formal trials because the prognosis is so poor and so results could be obtained more noticeably and quickly. To put it in context, at the same time as the Gonzalez preliminary trial, 126 patients were treated with the FDA approved drug gemcitabine. None lived past 19 months. On the original Gonzalez regime, despite eight of his 11 patients starting out with Grade IV disease, five of the 11 survived 24 months, two actually surviving more than 48 months!
The Gonzalez metabolic protocol for cancer
In fact, Gonzalez treats virtually all cancers and patients with MS to chronic fatigue. Each treatment protocol is individually developed. The therapy is complex and divided into three parts:
1: Diet
2: Ingressive supplementation (nutrient and enzymes)
3: Detoxification - The diet therapy varies by individual and cancer, and can be vegan or can require meat two to three times per day
The supplements may number 120 - 175 per day, and are again tailored to the individual, including vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The aim is to improve overall metabolic function with nutrients. Every patient also takes large quantities of freeze-dried porcine pancreatic enzymes, which Gonzalez believes provide the anti-cancer activity.
Detoxification is essential as patients do go through a healing crisis and develop flu-like symptoms. Coffee enemas are used twice per day. Coffee enemas cause symptom relief for almost all patients.
Gonzalez doesn't just want to cure people. He wants his work properly tested and FDA approved. If the tests prove positive, he then wants his work included in orthodox mainstream medicine. With Linda Isaacs he has written a book entitled The Trophoblast and the origins of cancer. One solution to the medical enigma of our time. (2009 New Spring Press).
Gonzalez simply wanted his work properly tested and FDA approved
I have known a number of people who have visited his clinic in New York and all have been very impressed.
His work also shows up the ignorance of the quacks who continue to state that diet cant cure a cancer, or that there are no clinical trials to support diet as a cancer cure.
New work has shown a variety of cancers (from some breast to some brain cancers) are linked to oestrogen and stem cells. For example, in 2004 Professor Wang and his team at British Columbia University claimed their findings (that oestrogen kept repair stem cells in the rapidly dividing state preventing them from becoming new stomach lining cells) was a Breakthrough in the understanding of stomach cancer. A Breakthrough it may well be - but the idea originated 98 years before Wang's results!
In 2012 three studies on the existence of cancer stem cells were published simultaneously in the journals Nature and Science. Prior to these studies the idea that cancer stem cells existed was controversial. Now they have been proven to exist and a further study has shown their importance. Cancer tumours have a hierarchy of cells, the most important (and the ones that can regrow the tumour after it has been knocked back by chemotherapy) are cancer stem cells.
Herman Acevedo
An interesting postscript to Beard's theories was provided in 1995 when Professor Hernan Acevedo and his associates showed that the synthesis and statement of LCG (also known as hCG) is a common biochemical denomination of cancer. Acevedo found LCG present in 85 different cancers examined.
So what is LCG or hCG? When a stem cell is stimulated by oestrogen it should produce a trophoblast according to Beard. A trophoblast in turn releases a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Pregnancy tests usually pick up on hCG in the blood, but a similar and much more sensitive test could detect hCG produced by cancer cells. If such a test could be developed - a sort of super pregnancy test kit - we would have a cheap and less invasive way to detect cancer via the urine.
(Apparently there is indeed now a test for a similar hormone hCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin (not LCG). An American Laboratory called American Metabolic Laboratories in Hollywood, Florida does this test and measures hCG in both blood and urine. A result greater than zero indicates active cancer. The blood test does present false positives though and the urine test is taken as a fail safe. A negative in the urine suggests any positive result in the blood test is a false positive.The test requires blood serum and urine shipped express.
Interestingly when I was speaking on my UK tour, a lady told the room that she had felt so ill she thought she might be pregnant and did a test which was positive. It was only when she went to the doctor she found she had cancer instead.
It looks as though Beard's theory over 100 years ago has great merit.
Pancreatic Enzymes
Many believe that pancreatic enzymes are not just dietary aids but can control the Trophoblast and convert cancer stem cells back to normality. Pancreatic enzymes may be orally ingested and are acid stable.
What you need to understand is that in dietary issues you have a pancreatic enzyme for fats, another for carbohydrate and a third for protein. Then there are other compounds like those found in pineapple and papaya - bromelain and papain - that aid digestion too. So Pancreatic enzymes a help the body and are also digestive enzymes; digestive enzymes just help digestion.
Both can have an effect on parasites in the gut, for example, both are helpful in chemotherapy patients who experience constipation.
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