As readers will recall, in May 2004 the FSA decided to publish a report claiming that certain vitamins were harmful in large doses. Dr Spreen an eminent nutritionist in the USA writes, ’The FSA argument hinges on this basic idea, put forth by Sir John Krebs, chair of the FSA, who said, "In most cases you can get all the nutrients you need from a balanced diet." And in theory, that’s a wonderful idea’. But Dr. Spreen points out, "I have never had anyone define for me what a ’balanced diet’ really is. Optimal health from today’s modern diet is no longer possible, in my opinion."
Optimal health from today’s modern diet is no longer possible
Dr. Spreen wrote the book "Nutritionally Incorrect: Why the Modern Diet is Dangerous & How to Defend Yourself." At icon we would rather listen to Dr Spreen on the subject of our diet than the FSA, but because we are open-minded and have our readers interests at heart we have written to the FSA asking them to define this ’balanced diet’ they go on about!
While writing the letter we also asked their justification for allowing food stuffs to be sold in the UK containing high levels of acrylamides when the WHO says the only safe level is zero; and why they haven’t taken any action on fluoridation of water when approvals were given for fluorine and calcium fluoride yet water companies seem to prefer aluminium fluoride and that well known rat poison, sodium fluoride.
Through our sister charity - the Cancer Prevention Coalition - we intend to champion all people who are threatened by cancer in the UK. The FSA is responsible to YOU and to no one else!!!