“Sleep efficiency,” or the ratio of actual sleep compared to total time spent in the bed, predicts survival time for patients with advanced breast cancer because of better melatonin production, according to research from Stanford University in America.
The research involved just 97 women across six years but found that efficient sleepers survived an average of 68.9 months, while inefficient sleepers survived an average of just 33.2 months.
Good sleep promotes melatonin
"Good sleep seems to have a strongly protective effect, even with advanced breast cancer,” said researcher Oxana Palesh, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences at Stanford University.
The likely reason is melatonin, a hormone healthy people produce in the pineal gland about 90 minutes after falling asleep. It is a powerful antioxidant, and a regulator of hormones such as oestrogen and IGF-1 both linked with breast cancer. It also has at least 5 proven epigenetic benefits, meaning that it is corrective of problems that occur around your DNA.
Melatonin turns off cancer growth mechanisms
Another study, this time from Tulane University also showed that adequate levels of melatonin were essential to getting the best results from Tamoxifen.
"High melatonin levels at night put breast cancer cells to ’sleep’ by turning off key growth mechanisms,” explained researcher David Blask.
So, turn all lights and electrical equipment off. Have no WiFi impinging upon your bedroom, and wear eye-shades if needs be. And supplement, with of melatonin. Professor Russell Reiter, a melatonin expert, suggests all cancer patients with solid tumours take 20 mg before bed; people over 60 without cancer should use 5 mg.
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Go to: Melatonin Quick Facts
Go to: Melatonin has epigenetic benefits with breast cancer