Join the CANCERactive Community by making a regular donation of just £5 a month and receive benefits including access to all the Sunday Shows past and future, the icon magazine library and future issues, 10% discounts on supplements, priority speech bookings and more.
Five Good Reasons to join the CANCERactive Community
1. First, you will be supporting a great and unique charity - one that brings highly usable information to people touched by cancer, not just on orthodox therapies, but on prevention, complementary therapies like off-label drugs, diet, supplements, exercise, microbiome and stress management techniques, alternative therapies like IVC, high dose melatonin, FMTs, and new and emerging therapies from the Nanoknife to immunotherapy, Proton Beam Therapy and HIFU.
But we can't help people like you, if people like you don't help us! It costs money to bring you all this independent research - and, to preserve our independence, we take no money from Big Pharma and our costs are kept low because our Trustees and management take no remuneration and have no pension schemes unlike the other charities. We spend all the money on helping people touched by cancer increase their personal odds of survival.
2. Secondly, The CANCERactive Community is the ultimate support group. We even have our own 'closed' Facebook group - The CANCERactive Forum. Chris does his best to chip in and answer any and all questions there. It's a real plus.
3. Next, to give you something in return for your kindness, as a member you will have complete access to all the Chris Woollams' Sunday Shows - past, present and future - with interviews asking your questions of Chris, or Interviews where Chris hosts Professors, Doctors and experts on a wide range of cancer topics.
4. You will also have access to our unique colour magazine (icon - Integrative Cancer and Oncology News) - both its library and new editions, which go into over 640 hospitals, cancer centres and health sections of libraries all around the UK, (COVID-19 permitting, pf course). We hope to start again in 2023.
5. Finally, you will receive a discount of 10% on almost all the supplerments in the Natural Selection shop.
Research-based evidence and information
Our highly usable information includes:
* This CANCERactive Website with over 4,000 pages of highly practical information to empower people with cancer, in a way absolutely no other cancer charity does.
* A monthly worldwide e-newsletter from Chris Woollams, full of tips and actionable news items and research.
* The CANCERactive Forum - a closed member-only Facebook group
* Cancer prevention leaflets for Schools and Universities
Why are we trying to raise money? We need to add two researchers to our team - Medical Researchers who can provide the very latest information on treatments working around the world - be they cancer vaccines in America, or Rain Forest plants in Australia. We want to make CANCERactive the most trusted charity source of Complementary and Integrative Medicine on cancer in Europe.
The People's Charity
Unlike other cancer charities, we do not receive funds from 'Big Pharma' or 'Little Vitamin' companies. We don’t take fees from clinics for recommending them, nor kick-backs from any source. That’s because we know you appreciate our honesty, our objective reporting and independent voice. We have no vested interests; and no one biasing our comments, views or writings.
On this CANCERactive website you get the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. We have said this since Day 1, 20 years ago.
And last year we were told we had been voted the UK's leading cancer Information Charity. It's really a great honour.
PLEASE make a small, regular donation -
* People who donate through a direct debit of £5 per month, payable quarterly or annually become members of our Community and will receive priority booking for Chris' speeches, icon magazines past and present (Covid-permitting), have open access to all our Sunday Shows - with more than 36 so far recorded and more than 12 already planned for 2023. We will also sign you up to Chris' e-newsletter, and you can get instant access when you apply to join our closed CANCERactive Forum Facebook group.
We have also arranged a deal with ‘Our Natural Selection’ so that Community members can buy from their range with 10% off. Be clear: Chris already selected the individual products for you out of the vast numbers on the market – his criteria were - is this a 'quality' brand, 'all natural' and 'value for money'?
Building a real support community - experts and survivors
In the Sunday Shows since we kicked off in 2020 with one on 'Covid and Cancer', Chris has interviewed Sir Geoffrey Boycott on how Chris helped him beat his cancer, then Fiona Shakeela Burns on how changing her beliefs helped her beat her's; Jessica Richards on how diet and Black Salve defeated her Er+ve breast cancer; we had Dr Thomas Lodi on what Private Clinics can offer; Dr Julian Kenyon on rebuilding the gut microbiome; a show on making Off-Label Drugs easy to understand; and others where people told their stories on how Chris helped them beat cancer - Mark on Prostate, Derek on Bladder Cancer, Tabs on how Chris helped her beat her sarcoma, Margarita and her daughters on how Chris gave them their Mum back when she had stage 4 Lung cancer, Joy Parsons on TNBC, Zoe on breast cancer, Lowell Kile on how Chris helped him beat his Colorectal cancer and Sophie Trew on how she beat her lymphoma. Chris also interviewed his former patient Laura Batty on what factors she thought were important for patients to consider - Laura beat her Colorectal cancer.
Chris also interviewed Professor Robert Thomas on Breast and prostate cancer treatments, then Professor Karol Sikora on Proton Bean Therapy, expert George Cooper on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Dr. Dana Flavin on Off-label drugs, Judy Evans on Natural Progesterone, Dr Elmar Jung on Holistic Dentistry, Dr Abdul Kadir Slocumb on his clinic Chemothermia, former oncology nurse Patricia Peat of Cancer Options, the late Dr Etienne Callebout on Integrative Medicine, and the Breast Cancer Conqueror Dr. Veronique Desaulniers from Florida.. Chris has been interviewed himself on 'the Truth about vitamin D', 'How to build a Personal Programme', on 'Cancer - Why you're not doomed', and on 'Rebuilding your gut microbiome'.. And with an annual show entitled 'Covid and cancer'.
Chris is also determined to make a show on each cancer by answering your questions. So far he has made one on Brain cancer and another on Prostate Cancer - both have been described as 'excellent' and 'way beyond anything else on the Internet'.
You can find a list of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 shows by CLICKING SUNDAY SHOWS HERE.
Please, please, make sure you are part of the CANCERactive Community. It will be the best charity donation you ever made. It could help you survive significantly longer and, dare we say it, greatly increase your personal odds of beating cancer.
CANCERactive - helping people beat cancer today