Missing peptides turn cancer cells into healthy cells

Missing peptides turn cancer cells into healthy cells

Mayo Clinic researchers have shown that using mRNA to make a peptide, PLEKHA7, can block cancer cells dividing; Israeli scientists think in doing something similar they've found a cancer cure, and in Germany CeGaT scientists are also working on the lost messge or missing peptides strategy

Research from the Mayo Clinic, reported in Nature Cell Biology Aug 24, 2015, claims that adding back missing microMRA peptides, can cause cancer cells to normalise. Cancer cells in the laboratory were reprogrammed and turned back into normal healthy cells (1).

Researchers added a microRNA, that triggered the production of a peptide, PLEKHA7, which then blocked the cancer cells from dividing continually and increasing the malignancy. Peptides are groups of amino acids and merely small portions of proteins.

The research involves ‘adhesion molecules’ that were thought to be the glue that held cells together. Now they seem to be involved in signaling, and capable of regenerating a healthy cell from a deficient one.

“So we have identified two key components,” says Panos Anastasiadis, Ph.D., chair of Mayo Clinic’s Department of Cancer Biology in Jacksonville, Florida. “One seems to be…driving tumor progression and growth; and the other that is acting as a brake, that’s basically inhibiting it. We have also looked at human tumor samples, and we have found that the brake is missing in the vast majority of these cancers. So what we see in cancer patients is that we have a lot of the gas, but we have no brake.”

The researchers found that cancer cells were missing a peptide PLEKHA7. When that was added back into the cell, it stopped dividing. Research to date has been with aggressive cells from breast, bladder and lung cancers. 

Other work on peptides 

The Israelis have also been working on peptides as a way of stopping cancer blocking drugs. At AEBi, Dr ilan Morad, the CEO has been using a ‘phage display’ which employs viruses that are known to infect bacteria (bacteriophages) to study the interactions between certain proteins, peptides and DNA.

The phage display method is used to produce large amounts of peptides, proteins and antibodies for the medical biotechnology industry and it allows for the creation of libraries of up to 10 billion different types of peptide which can then be combined together to create antibodies or ‘molecule cocktails’ to be used in drug therapy. The team have gone further; they claim to have a cancer cure! (2).

In Germany CeGaT are testing cancer patients looking for anomalies and using DNA enrichment via their 'molecular pathway panel'. Although they cover almost all cancers, people have been particularly interested in their Glioblastoma (GBM) brain cancer work (3).

An ‘alternative’ Doctor, Stanislaw Burzynski, has long argued that cancer cells could be corrected by replacing lost messages through re-introducing missing peptides (4). He was dubbed a quack.

Maybe there are easier ways of adding back missing peptides!!

Go to: Whey protein and peptides



  1. Mayo Clinic news - https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-researchers-find-new-code-that-makes-reprogramming-of-cancer-cells-possible/
  2. Israeli Scientists claim to have a cancer cure - https://blog.canceractive.com/article/israeli-scientists%20claim%20to%20have%20a%20cancer%20cure
  3. CeGaTMolecular Pathology Panel - https://www.cegat.com/cegat-launches-the-molecular-pathology-panel-for-targeted-identification-of-therapy-relevant-gene-mutations-in-solid-tumors/
  4. Burzynski and missing peptides - https://www.canceractive.com/article/dr-burzynski--missing-peptides-and-antineoplastons

  Approved by the Medical Board. Click Here 


2015 Research
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