New meta-study shows best foods to kill off cancer

New meta-study shows best foods to kill off cancer

A report on 30 years of scientific study

Scientists have analysed 30 years of research studies to produce a report on the food compounds that can best help you kill off a cancer.

The ’inconvenient truth’ of chemotherapy (and even the ‘clever’ new world of biologic drugs), is that no drug exists today in September 2015 that can kill Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs), which lie at the heart of all cancers. Orthodox medicine can knock the tumour back 50, 60 or 70 per cent; but it cannot finish the job off. 

The Truth?  You do the rest yourself.

In 2012 we told you about a report from Dr. Young S. Kim of the NCI in America who said that eating bad foods caused a cancer to re-grow. Whilst, eating good foods containing bioactive natural compounds could prevent that regrowth. She even named the bioactive compounds and told people they could find them in quality supplements.

Now a meta-study has looked at phytochemical and herbal compounds where scientific evidence has shown them capable of killing CSCs in vitro and in vivo.  The researchers go on to talk of the ‘Ideal chemotherapy agent – a drug to target the bulk of the cancer plus a bioactive natural compound (or more) to kill off the CSCs’.

The top 12 natural compounds shown in this review of 30 years of scientific research includes

1. Sulforaphanes – greens and sprouting seeds
2. EGCG – the catchetin in green tea
3. Curcumin – the spice that affects almost every cancer Piperine pathway
4. Resveratrol – typically from grape skins; forms a powerful combination with curcumin and EGCG
5. Piperine – a bioactive compound in black pepper; works synergistically with curcumin
6. Genistein – active ingredient in red clover and pulses like soya. Anti-estrogenic
7. Pomegranate – powerful polyphenol
8. Beta-carotene – acting on its own or as a precursor to vitamin A
9. Lycopene – from tomatoes, tomatoes and especially cooked tomatoes
10. Indole 3 carbinol – powerful down regulator of oestradiol and ER+ receptor sites; works against non-ER+ cancers too
11. Conjugated Linoleic Acid – produced by grass-fed cattle in their rumens
12. Luteolin – found in greens, and red and yellow peppers.

All of these are covered in The Rainbow Diet, our book on the subject. And all have epigenetic benefits (the ability to correct message loss in cancer cells). Two important non-foods for this would be vitamin D (produced by the action of sunshine on cholesterol stores below the skin) and melatonin (produced by the pineal gland when you sleep). They are probably two of the most potent cancer preventers and correctors known today.

But we’ve told you all this before - many times - at CANCERactive. You can 


We first wrote the book in 2005, and have updated it regularly.





2015 Research
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