October 2014 - A new partnership between the UK charity Brain Tumour Research and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in collaboration with the UCL Institute of Neurology sees the opening of a new brain tumour research Centre of Excellence at QMUL. Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40.
Statistical research from the charity earlier this year revealed one in 50 people who die under the age of 60 years are dying from a brain tumour. And, just as shockingly, 71% of those who die of a brain tumour will be under 75 years old, compared to 47% for all cancers.
The Centre of Excellence is being led by Professor Silvia Marino, a leading brain tumour scientist and neuropathologist based at QMUL’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, and will specialise in identifying how glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) forms and grows within the brain with the final aim to identify more efficient drug treatments. Professor Denise Sheer, also from QMUL, and Professor Sebastian Brandner and Dr Jeremy Rees at the UCL Institute of Neurology will be additional important research partners in this initiative.