The study by Bristol University of over 50 worldwide research papers on exercise concluded that exercise helped prevent cancer and helped successful recovery amongst cancer patients. However it seems no one is listening.
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49 per cent of school children spend the suggested minimum of two hours per week in school PE
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First a MORI poll study of women’s exercise habits showed that less than 20 per cent even managed the Government minimum suggestion of three sessions of 20 minutes each per week. Then a report from the Government funded Sport England showed that only 49 per cent of school children spend the suggested minimum of two hours per week in school PE, whilst 18 per cent do absolutely no school exercise at all. Worse since the Government pledged to achieve a minimum of 75 per cent of school children participating for at least two hours, the numbers of children doing nothing have actually risen. One reason sited was that left wing councils had phased out elitist traditional competitive sports.
No wonder the percentage of children who are overweight or obese has actually risen to 60 per cent. Take it into your own hands. Make sure your children and grand children eat properly and take exercise.