Did a virus cause your cancer?
Did a virus cause your cancer? Infections are known to cause many cancers - be they viruses, bacteria, yeasts, pathogens or full blown parasites - actually they are all parasites. They drain you of nourishment, and produce toxic chemicals, some of which can be carcinogenic.
This is pillar 3 in our series The Four Pillars of Cancer.
Official estimates suggest that viruses and bacteria may account for about 15 - 20 per cent of all cancers. But all infections could play a role in 70 or even 80 per cent of cancers. And it is a much neglected subject if you do have cancer. In fact, arguably, your oncologist’s treatments can make matters worse, as we shall see.

Viruses, bacteria, yeasts are all parasites
Viruses are essentially parasites. They live off their hosts denying them nutrients and producing toxic chemicals. There often are drugs to treat viruses, but one is NOT antibiotics, which only kill bacteria. They are often wrongly prescribed.
So, Question 1: Do you have a parasite?
’No’ is not an option. Think again.
Ever taken antibiotics, eaten sushi, kissed a stranger, eaten tropical fruit, been to South East Asia or an African country? Do you have a sweet tooth? Ever had stomach problems, the occasional bout of diarrhoea, or constipation?
And that’s just the start.
The category ’Parasites’ could include:
1: Viruses
2: Bacteria
3: Yeasts, microbes or fungi
4: Parasites themselves
All can steal your nourishment, especially essential B vitamins; all can weaken your immune system; all can produce toxins that can poison your cells.
1: Viruses

Viruses are very small organisms and most cannot be seen by an ordinary microscope. A man called Royal Rife invented a high-powered microscope in the US in the 1920’s. It could ’see’ live tissue. He believed there was a virus or bacteria at the heart of every cancer. He even identified 40 of these ’agents’ and infected mice with some of them, actually causing cancer.
He then set about determining the frequency of each ’agent’ and developed a resonance machine to kill them.
At this point the medical authorities stepped in, banned his work, wrecked his clinic/factory and he died thirty or so years later a broken man.
In the 1970’s various teams of scientists tried to discover if cancer was caused by viruses but did not have sophisticated enough technology to gain conclusive evidence. They failed (and would, of course, not use a Rife microscope).
Read more: The Work of Royal Rife
Viruses are made up of a number of genes, surrounded by a protein coat. The genetic material may be DNA or RNA. When a virus infects a host cell, it forces its genetic material into the host nucleus in order to take control. This action could cause cancer.

About six or so blood cancers are now known to be caused by viruses

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV - a sexually transmitted disease) is known to cause cervical cancer. It does this by inactivating tumour suppressor proteins in particular p53. HPV has been linked to cancers of the penis, anus, vagina, and vulva; plus some cancers of the mouth and throat, too.
Interestingly, the vast majority of people infected with HPV never develop cancer. However, smoking seems to work with HPV to increase cancer risk.
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are virus diseases and linked to liver cancer. Here it is thought that the virus may not be the attacker; the immune response to the virus causes the release of cytokines and other inflammatory proteins and these subsequently cause tissue damage.
In 1993, a group led by Dr. Moore and his wife Dr. Yuan Chang discovered the ’Kaposi Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus’, which is also called human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) and is the likely cause of Kaposi sarcoma. In 2008, the same team found that a newly discovered virus dubbed the Merkel cell polyomavirus causes most cases of Merkel cell carcinoma, an uncommon but lethal skin cancer.
Some six blood and lymph cancers seem caused by viruses. Some Burkitt lymphoma cases are caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and it can also cause blood cancers in certain parts of Africa. In Southern China it is linked to nasopharyngeal cancer.
EBV is a virus we can have in our bodies all our lives. Famously called kissing disease, it is widespread and can be passed by coughing and sneezing, or sharing glasses and knives and forks. there are no day to day symptoms.
Importantly, the viral link to cancer is not a given; EBV causes many Burkitt cancers in Africa, but few of these cancers in America are viral in origin. So too with HPV and cancers
To add to the difficulty and even controversy, some (maybe 1-2 per cent) of breast cancers have been linked to the shingles virus. It is possible that some prostate cancers are linked to the cold sore (herpes) virus.
The greatest debate is saved for the Simian Monkey Virus, SV40. Several Japanese research studies have shown it present in higher than expected levels in certain cancer patients. Is it actually the cause, or is it merely an immune system weakener, or is it coincidence? Nothing proven yet.
Where may we have got Simian Monkey Virus from? Well when they first made Salk polio vaccines in the USA, they infected Simian monkeys, then extracted the antibodies to make the vaccine. Unfortunately, they didn’t realise the monkey had a virus and by the time they did, over 1 million Americans had been given the polio vaccine, complete with added virus.
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention even posted a piece on its website about the links between Simian and cancer, although this was removed.
"Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has been found to cause tumors and cancer," explains RealFarmacy.com. "SV40 is believed to suppress the transcriptional properties of the tumor-suppressing genes in humans through the SV40 Large T-antigen and SV40 Small T-antigen. Mutated genes may contribute to uncontrolled cellular proliferation, leading to cancer."
Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, has found that the virus is present in many cases of both osteosarcoma bone cancer and the increasingly prevalent lung cancer variety known as mesothelioma. As it turns out, Carbone identified SV40 in about one-third of all osteosarcoma cases studied, and in 40 percent of other bone cancers. The same was true for 60 percent of all cases of mesothelioma. Obviously this conflicts with the accepted view that all mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure.
You can read more HERE
Who knows?
What is for sure is that over the coming years you will hear more and more about the possibility of many, if not all, cancers being caused by viruses.
The cynics will say, ’Well, that’s because the pharmaceutical companies can make lots of profit by vaccinating us all.’ Certainly attempts to vaccinate all our daughters before their first sexual encounter; and then also our sons (even though there is no research evidence at all that the vaccine works with boys to prevent HPV) feeds the skeptics.

2: Bacteria
We may have heard of HPV, but we are less likely to have heard of Chlamydia another sexually transmitted disease, this time a bacterium and its linked to some ovarian cancers. Why not?
We have neither the vaccine nor the cure.
Possibly the nastiest cancer-linked bacterium is Helicobacter Pylori. For six or more years this has been known to cause stomach ulcers. And for about four years there have been repeated studies linking it with stomach cancer.
This little ’b’ hides in the mucus in the stomach, so your stomach acid cannot kill it off. Sitting next to the stomach lining, the body sends white cells down to sort it out. However, they are on the other side of the stomach wall. Result? An un-winnable fight ensues, producing great irritation, chronic inflammation, stomach ulcers and even stomach cancer.

We have neither the vaccine nor the cure

All this should be known to oncologists. Sadly it isn’t. When I was in Australia, a South African girl, 32, approached me with husband in tow. Both university lecturers, but not in science. She said she’d developed a stomach ulcer and then it turned to cancer. All this while I was at a black-tie ’do’ eating my dinner!
In an attempt to eat at least some of it while it was still hot, I simply said, ’look why don’t you go back to the doctor and say all the information points to Helicobacter Pylori. A course of drugs, or goldenseal and bismuth would probably kill it off, but go to your doctor and he’ll fix it’.
To which she said, ’I can’t. He took my stomach out last year’. No one at anytime had mentioned even the slightest possibility of Helicobacter Pylori.
Just to tell you some of the latest research, which will surprise you.
In a study on young people who had found poisoning, even though they were treated with drugs (to kill the salmonella or listeria bug), after the clear up comes the slow steady emergence of E. coli. This can lead to Crohn’s and/or colorectal cancer and a shorter life expectancy.
In a second, unrelated study, it had always been assumed that a woman’s breasts were inert. But scientists tested this theory in several studies finding that there were bacteria present in all breasts and there was a big difference in the bacterial profile of cancerous breast tissue and healthy breast tissue, Breast with cancer showed the presence of E. coli.
Scientists studying the microbiome (the profile of the bacteria) inhabiting the gut, in the SYNCAN study have shown that almost all the people with colorectal cancer have none of a sugar-regulating good strain of clostridia, but excesses of Fusobacterium, which produces toxic and carcinogenic chemicals.
3: Yeasts and Fungi
We have covered this issue extensively in other articles.

The good guys are your first line of defence in your immune system

Suffice it to say that every night your friendly bacteria in your gut feed off all the nasty yeast, microbes and fungi you manage to consume during the day. The good guys are your first line of defence in protecting you.
However. Too much chlorine in your tap water, take a course of antibiotics, radio- or chemotherapy or some other drugs and wave goodbye to the good guys.
Recent research in the USA concluded that women who had taken 25 or more doses of antibiotics in their lifetime had twice the risk of breast cancer. Scientists are now looking at how antibiotics might affect the breast tissue.
Ask any complementary expert and they will tell you in seconds. The process is already known; and the antibiotics do not affect the breast tissue.
In 2012 there were major articles in Science and Nature concluding that all the new research seems to point to the fact that your good bacteria become ill first, and then you become ill. And, that you cannot become well until they become well again.
If your good guys are missing in your gut, the bad guys thrive, dividing rapidly. They have roots which can go across the gut wall, they can make holes, they can cause leaky gut syndrome.
Some microbes may escape into the blood system from where they can move round to colonise areas of normal body tissue, for example, breast tissue.

Enemas (from the stools of healthy people) combatted the
C. difficile virus

Yeasts are anaerobes – they don’t use oxygen to live or produce their energy. If they surround healthy tissue you might expect those cells in the absence of oxygen to die off. But your cells are much too clever for that. They merely switch to producing their energy in the absence of oxygen. And that’s called a cancer cell.
The late Gerald Green, an expert in this field, held very strong views about yeasts as a likely cause of cancer.
In America there are 14,000 deaths from Clostridium difficile a year in hospitals. A clinical trial took place using enemas made from the stools of healthy people. A high proportion of the participants recovered almost immediately.
4: Parasites
We all seem to assume that parasites have to be at least three feet long. Of course tapeworms are, but these are reasonably rare in the West. Nematodes are not though, especially amongst children.
In Ohio, 82 per cent of the population receive a microscopic parasite in their water system; they’ve become immune to chlorine.
In British Livestock, liver fluke have quadrupled since 1997; they’re making a comeback.
Dr Hulda Clark in the USA believes everyone has a parasite; we are obviating the need for a second host by the chemicals and toxins that are on the increase in our bodies. She believes some can actually replicate the conditions prevalent in that second host, but in ourselves.
Possible Action

The best and simplest solution is to visit a good homeopath with a VEGA machine

Whilst there are a number of drugs that can tackle bacteria; the options with viruses are more limited.
A second problem is the testing system. A doctor has to tell the laboratory to look for named viruses. If the virus you actually have is not on the list, it will not be found.
One of the best and simplest solution, if you feel you may have any one of the four categories of parasite, is to visit a good naturopath who uses a VEGA machine (or a BEST machine).
They should be able to tell you if you have such a guest and, if it’s a virus, provide nosodes to improve your defences.
Identification of a bacterium or a virus should see you also visit your doctor.
Yeast rarely worries people in the countries where you’d expect their presence, hot countries like Asia, India, South America. This is because the indigenous population are less likely to have taken antibiotics (prescribed, or hidden in foods), and far more likely to be regular eaters of natural defenders like garlic, Neem (in India), caprylic acid (coconut), Pau D’Arco (a tree bark form South America), nutmeg and cinnamon (both of which kill yeasts in the blood stream).
The fact that yeasts do cause some cancers is borne out by examples such as the American nurse whose leukaemia and liver cancer was cured by anti-yeast drugs (carried in icon in 2003); a number of miraculous cures of cancer attributable to vitamin C were in fact simply due to the neutralising effects of vitamin C on aflatoxins, the dangerous carcinogen waste products of some parasites; the anti-cancer claims originally made for Pau D’Arco turned out to be actually due to its anti-yeast, anti-bacterial and anti-viral strengths!
An anti-yeast programme also advocates the use of acidophilus and wormwood, and a sugar-free, alcohol-free, dairy-free diet.
In the treatment of parasites Neways make a useful parasite purge called ’Parafree’. Again this might be best topped up with wormwood.

They could be the inexpensive future treatment for viruses, bacteria, yeasts and all forms of parasite

Finally life is coming full circle. ’Zappers’, mechanical devices that can be set to a frequency to kill a parasite, yeast or bacterium are slowly but surely making a comeback. Russia is one place pioneering the work, but Dr Hulda Clark has been promoting them too. Ultrasound is now being used in the treatment of solid tumours by hospitals and clinics in Europe.
They could be the inexpensive future treatment for viruses, bacteria, yeasts and all forms of parasite. Who knows?
If you are thinking of buying Wormwood, you might like to look at the Natural Selection Product of Choice. You can do this by clicking here. It is a natural product known to be effective against parasites, yeasts and microbes.