The number of men dying in the UK from prostate cancer has hit an all-time high of over 12,000 in 2017. The usual reason of an aging population is compounded by a poor early diagnosis rate and an increased incidence of the cancer returning unexpectedly, according to Prostate Cancer UK (1).
Statistics for 2017 show 48,561 new cases were diagnosed up from 48,523 the year before and 47,864 in 2014. There were also 12,031 deaths from the disease in 2017 up from 11,637 the year before and 11,307 in 2014.
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Chris Woollams, an Oxford University Biochemist and founder of CANCERactive said, “The NHS claimed that ‘survival rates were at a record high of 86%’ but didn’t explain what that meant at all. In fact given the record deaths in 2017 most probably came from people diagnosed in 2014 or before, it doesn’t take GCSE maths to see that at least one in four men are certainly not surviving. Hopefully, the NHS can fast track the new urine tests - developed by East Anglia Medical School (2) – and men can do them at home in private and make early diagnosis a reality.
More treatments readily available in the USA – such as ablation, HIFU and proton beam therapy - need to become widely available too. It is quite absurd that NICE talks of surgery and radiotherapy as the only treatment options (3).”
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