Prostate cancer two drugs better than one

Prostate cancer  two drugs better than one
A new trial providing Abiraterone at a much earlier stage in treating prostate cancer and in conjunction with Zoladex, is reported to extend the life of patients to 7 years rather than 3.5.  The researchers claimed the two drug combination extended life by 37 per cent, prompting excitement at the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Abiraterone reduced the chances of serious bone complications by 50 per cent and relapse of the disease by 70 per cent. During the trial, the survival rose from 76 per cent on only Zoladex, to 83 per cent where both drugs were used.
The trial outperformed an earlier trial where Docetaxel was given at an earlier stage, and with Zoladex.
Zoladex is given to cut levels of testosterone.  It is a controversial treatment in that it is now known that both testosterone and oestrogen need to be present to form Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and this is the driving force behind the disease.  Standard UK treatment in the early stages of the disease is simply to shut down testosterone. 
Abiraterone, developed by Professor Gerrard Potter, became infamous when it was given to the Locherbie bomber who was released on compassionate grounds as he had prostate cancer.  He went on to live nearly 5 years with the drug.  Abiraterone is usually used after Zoladex has stopped working.  Abiraterone is a unique drug which stops the cancer ‘feeding’; it has few side-effects.
Professor Potter then went on to launch Salvestrols based on the same principle.  He argued that nature provided many bioactive compounds that stopped cancers feeding.
Go to: Salvestrols - natural ways of stopping cancer feeding
2017 Research
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