Spirit of Sunshine and Cancer Options Consultancy are delighted to invite you to a very special seminar
Breakthroughs in Integrative Medicine in aid of Yes to Life Charity
Charity No: 1112812 www. yestolife.org.uk
A charitable initiative to create a positive future for cancer sufferers
An opportunity to meet Dr. Harvey Kaufman
Inventor of Liquid Zeolite (Z-Natural) on his only speaking engagemnt in England this year
Integrative Medicine and Cancer: Patricia Peat RGN Dip Pall C Dip UTR. Specialist in Cancer Consutancy
The Role of Medical Herbalism: Dr. Chris Etheridge PhD BSc (Hons) Chem, BSc (Hons) Herb Med, MCPP, MRSC CChem, DolC, ARCS
Liquid Zeolite: Dr. Harvey Kaufman Bsc Chem Phd
Friday 31st August 2007 The Farmers Club 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL
Starting promptly at 15.00 to 17.30
Admission £5.00 payable on the evening all proceeds to Yes to Life Charity
Places limited, please book by 16th August 2007 tel: Claire 01277 212647 or email [email protected]
For more info see web sites www.spiritofsunshine.co.uk www.canceroptions.co.uk www.yestolife.org.uk