The Great Diet Debate: Part 2
The World Health Organisation is convinced: Poor Diet causes cancer. The scientific evidence seems irrefutable. Professor Waxman of Imperial College and CRUK says in the BMJ that, "There is a convincing body of information that proves there is a strong dietary basis to the development of cancer".
We remain firm in our views that some factors cause a direct impact on a cell’s DNA, thus producing rogue cells. Estimates suggest that we each produce some 200 or so of these rogue cancer or pre-cancer cells each day. However, by and large, these are mopped up by a strong and healthy immune system. But what if it is weakened? A whole variety of factors can weaken it, yes, including poor diet, but also toxic chemicals, disease, hormone deficiencies, lack of intestinal flora, even EMF’s. So directly possibly, but far more probably indirectly, poor diet is a contributory factor to cancer.
So does that mean that good diet will prevent a cancer? Well again, probably, unless toxins, (from chemicals to cigarettes), a disease or EMF’s etc abound and are having an even greater effect.
So does that mean that a good diet will ’cure’ a cancer?
Let us answer that in three parts.
Some cancers are not ’caused’ by poor diet - it is hard to see how a lung cancer ’caused’ by excess asbestos might be cured by diet.
Since cancer is a multi-step process, more often that not, in our opinion, caused by several contributory factors, it is unlikely that one correction or one magic-bullet could ever bring about total ’cure’.
However if, as the WHO suggests, 30 per cent of cancers are ’caused’ by poor diet - and that is the overwhelming factor - then it is logically possible that a good diet might well correct the problem.
John Boik at the MD Anderson center in his book Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy released in 2001, took 4000 scientific studies on the effects of foods and their active ingredients and their ability to tackle cancers. He then divided them into 20 sub-groups of natural compounds (including vitamins) because he believed there were 20 ’steps’ in the cancer process and he wanted to scientifically combat each.
And their specific strength is also their weakness. Garlic for example is proven to restrict the formation of blood supplies to a cancer tumour. But it won’t stop it (at least there is scientific evidence) firing off cells to spread the cancer around the body.
People with cancer regularly change their diets and one can understand why. If you have been given the infamous ’All Clear’ and a good diet is known to prevent cancer, then wouldn’t everybody want to eat the best possible diet to try and prevent the cancer returning. Isn’t this simply the same principle as taking Tamoxifen to block receptor sites in your other breast - so that you prevent another cancer??
This is not simply a case of changing your diet while the Doctors get on with your orthodox programme
But here we look at Diet Therapies. This is not simply a case of changing your diet while the Doctors get on with your orthodox programme - by and large these are Alternatives to that programme.
Yes, there have been cancer patients who ignored their doctors and from the outset ’did their own thing’ with spectacular results. In my book ’Conventional Cancer Cures - What’s the Alternative’ I look at some of these people. One lady ate nothing but cabbage (well all those phytoestrogens may have blocked the oestrogen receptor sites, and the vitamin K may have strengthened her liver, and the diet will have alkalised her), another lady ate nothing but beetroot (yes, it is full of cancer fighting anthocyanins) - and they cured themselves totally and for ever. Wonderful.
The problem comes when, flushed with success, they try to help other people and open a clinic. Of
They never stop to think that a cancer is as individual as you are
course the authorities close them down. They never stop to think that a cancer is as individual as you are. There are lots of ’causes’ and lots of cancers. And just as Herceptin is not a cancer cure - it works wonderfully, but with about 10 per cent of breast cancer patients only - neither is beetroot, even if it might have been excellent for a lady in Botswana. And this naivety causes the serious Diet Therapy Practitioners all the problems. Because the critics - who largely inhabit the other end of the medical spectrum - tar all with one and the same brush. And that is ignorant. Some Diet Therapies are based on a high degree of scientific logic.
We will start with the least scientific approach. Sixty or more years ago, Hoxsey’s father bred horses and when they became ill, he noticed that they would end up in a certain corner of the field munching their way through various herbs. Fast forward a few years and Hoxsey has his group of up to ten herbs, which he uses in combinations to treat patients with cancer. The FDA go mad, a journalist is dispatched to ridicule his ’clinic’. But. The journalist ends up impressed and writes a story entitled ’The Quack who cured cancer’, the Senate summon the FDA, and censure them for lying about the treatment, new research shows that each of the herbs does in fact have anti-cancer properties, and by the time Hoxsey died he had treated over 70,000 people - not in hiding in Mexico, but in the USA where his clinic still is today. His treatment is apparently particularly good for skin cancer (But, poultices always have been since Egyptian, Roman and Greek times) although the clinic treats all sorts - read more here »
Professor Ben Pfeifer
Clinical trials on prostate cancer have 70% "success" rate.
science to build a protocol out of Herbs, anti-oxidants, immune system boosters and cancer cell killers. One of his active ingredients is MGN-3. He has clinical trials behind his work in Switzerland on prostate cancer patients where he has a 70 per cent ’success rate’. He is now turning his attention to other cancers notably breast cancer. Bart’s hospital have now started a ’test’ (not a trial) on his Diet Therapy with prostate cancer patients who have the disease so badly there is little more that orthodox medicine can do. We have several articles and the protocol on our web site.
The Gerson Therapy
The simple fact that patients come to Gerson so late in their treatment programmes is Charlotte Gerson’s biggest heartbreak. She is convinced the Therapy would have far greater success if people
She is convinced the Therapy would have far greater success if people started earlier
started earlier - ideally before poisoning their bodies further with radiotherapy and toxic drugs. Also she feels she could then conduct proper clinical trials of the Therapy used against control groups taking conventional drugs. Who would pay for these is another matter, but in the USA there is now the Government backed Institute of Complementary Health, which attempts to look objectively into these types of alternative treatments. Meanwhile, far from being ’quirky’ alternative lepers, the Gerson senior staff sit on various US cancer committees. There is an interview with Charlotte on our web site too.
The clinic is in Mexico, but there is a center in San Diego, California. And there is a thriving organisation in the UK. Beata Bishop, one of the leading lights, cured her own cancer some 22 years ago with this Therapy when everything else had failed. We cover her story and that of the late Oxford Don Michael Gearin-Tosh (one of our patrons) on our web site
The late Dr Max Gerson started it all more than half a century ago treating TB. Having turned his hand to cancer he then produced a book of his first 50 cases - all cured. The theory is that cancer is caused by the internal working of the cell becoming ’polluted’. This may be caused by excessive oestrogen creating the effects inside the cell, or by heightened sodium/low potassium/low magnesium (ie a modern diet) causing the downward spiral of lowered oxygen and lowered energy production. In the end a cell starved of oxygen, acidic and with low power turning off the p53 gene is a cancer cell. The scientific logic of Dr Max was ’What if we simply reversed the whole process?’
The Therapy is rarely understood by its critics. They often state that it is to do with vitamin C or coffee enemas curing the cancer - but this is just ignorance. The coffee enemas merely dilate the liver bile ducts to allow the body to expel more toxins.
The Therapy allows no dairy, animal fat, or protein (and no soya because it contains both fat and protein) nor pulses of any sort. Just organic fruit and vegetables.
When there is a cellular imbalance of minerals, leading to a cancerous state the Therapy could well produce a positive outcome. Especially when a patient has metastatic spread, or if they really do object to using chemotherapy, the discipline of Gerson is worth considering. It is hard work as it involves preparing fresh organic juices - up to 13 per day - and coffee enemas.
We are in a world of anecdotal evidence here - although when it comes to the Gerson Therapy, there are a lot of positive anecdotes
For this reason, the integrated clinic of Dr Contreras, The Oasis of Hope in Mexico, uses a slightly less restrictive diet and less enemas. Who knows? And that’s the problem. We are in a world of anecdotal evidence here - although when it comes to the Gerson Therapy, there are a lot of positive anecdotes. Readers might remember that Prince Charles caused a stir a few years back when telling a story of a lady friend who had lived for 7 years with breast cancer still only using the Gerson Therapy; and he merely asked if it wasn’t high time someone researched this Therapy so we all had some real answers. We agree.
The Plaskett Therapy
One of the criticisms leveled at the Gerson Therapy a few years ago was that it had not ’moved on’ as more science became available. In the early 1990’s Lawrence Plaskett, vice-chair of the Nutritional Council, took on this task. He has modified the Gerson Therapy to include more Quercetin (apples, onions) and he introduces a little soya after 8 weeks for hormonally responsive cancers. Plaskett now runs nutritional courses for students at Exeter University and there are Plaskett trained Therapists all over the UK. I detail the specific diet for both the Gerson and Plaskett Therapies in my book The Tree of Life: An Anti-cancer Diet.
Dr Gonzalez
The story is complicated and starts with a Scottish embryologist (Baird) who noted that stem cells under the effect of oestrogen did not convert to normal cells but instead grew like topsy. Unfortunately he then went on to say that therefore cancer was like having a baby growing in the wrong place at the wrong time! That was back in 1906 in Edinburgh, but in 2004 Professor Wang and his team at British Columbia came up with exactly the same ’Revolutionary, new theory’ for stomach cancer.
Baird also made another observation back in 1906. He observed that the oestrogen switched off, and the stem cells started becoming eye, lung, toe, finger cells when there were pancreatic hormones around. So he concluded the pancreas, via its enzymes, could well be the big controller of cancer in the human body.
His work was forgotten until a US Dentist started a hunt to see what might save his wife from her breast cancer. And save his wife is exactly what William Kelley did using a Diet therapy, plus vitamins and pancreatic hormones. He then set up a clinic and noticed that not everybody responded to the same diet (some people thrived on meat, for example. So he started using the concept of Metabolic Typing. One observer of his work in the 1970’s was a student at the local University, and he, now Dr Gonzalez, took the work forward.
Gonzalez is highly disciplined, using metabolic typing via blood tests to determine the exact biochemistry of his patients. The Diet Therapy then involves approximately 130 supplements that correct, add, invigorate etc exactly the condition the patient is in. At the focal point of the
The Diet Therapy then involves approximately 130 supplements that correct, add, invigorate etc exactly the condition the patient is in.
supplements are pancreatic enzymes. And Gonzalez has met with real success. After treating many types of cancer patient in the late 80’s he applied for FDA approval for his diet therapy and was turned down. The Institute for Complementary Health stepped in. The FDA is now monitoring the Therapy, having selected Pancreatic cancer which has a very limited survival rate even using modern drugs. To date all the control group has died, while the Gonzalez Therapy is meeting with significant success. You can read more on here »
In my travels I’ve met so many people who have been cured by an Alternative Therapy. I would never take the line that this is mumbo jumbo. It clearly works for some people, and one of these Therapies may well work for you. But. Be sure. Be sure you are doing it for your own reasons and not to please others. Equally if your Doctor expresses concerns ask for clear logical reasons. Be objective, and find out the facts; the Truth. Which is why we set up the web site./
CANCERactive will give you the honest, unbiased information with no vested interests, so you can make informed choices that are right for you and your cancer. And if you are not sure - don’t do it. As we said at the start, there are many different cancers, many different combinations of factors causing it. And one of those Therapies may be just right for you. Not all drugs work on everybody and nor do Diet Therapies. But there is no doubt that some Diet Therapies do work, in a non-toxic way, without all the side-effects, for some people. And you may well be one of them.