The story and theories of Royal Raymond Rife

The story and theories of Royal Raymond Rife

A virus at the heart of every cancer - The Work Of Royal Raymond Rife (by Chris Woollams, 2005)

This article covers the work of Royal Rife, a scientist who could well have been at least 80 years ahead of his time. Not only did he invent one of the most powerful microscopes ever seen, he used it to identify foreign matter, which he called a ’virus’, at the heart of every cancer. He then went on to work out the energetic frequency of each of the different ’viruses’ he found and even build a ’Rife Machine’, or colloquially a zapper, which could adjust electrofrequency and kill off that particular ’virus’ leaving healthy cells untouched. 

He was ridiculed, attacked and his work stopped. He died a pauper. Only now are scientists once again thinking there might be an infection contributing to every cancer, as Big Pharma contemplates the profits involved in developing a myriad of vaccines.

Viruses and cancer

First some elementary biology: viruses are a unique group of organisms. They grow inside other cells, for example those of bacteria, fungi, plants or animals. They do not have a full cellular structure, like an animal cell, of nucleus, power station, cell membranes or of a central DNA strand sending out messenger RNA to convey demands to the cell and the organism outside. They are very basic with a protein shell surrounding the vital genetic code (which may be DNA or RNA). In order to replicate they must take control of a host cell and order its DNA to produce proteins and all that is necessary for the multiplication of the virus.

Open quotesThe virus genetic code over-rides and misdirects the cell’s
                                                                                    own genetic codeClose quotes


In fact, the virus genetic code over-rides and misdirects the cell’s own genetic code.


So that will be very similar to what happens in a cancer cell then! Indeed, in both cases the host cell’s DNA loses its ’normal’ production control.

’Viruses’ like, for example, radiation or toxic chemicals can mutate the master control DNA and cause rogue cell production and cancer too.

The National Cancer Institute in the USA lists the following as ’some viruses associated with human cancers’.

  • Epstein-Barr

  • Burkitt’s Lymphoma

  • Human papillomavirus

  • Cervical cancer

  • Hepatitis B virus

  • Liver cancer

  • Human T-cell lymphatic virus

  • T-cell leukaemia

  • Kaposi’s sarcoma virus

  • Kaposi’s sarcoma!

They also confirm that Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium which can cause stomach ulcers has been associated with the development of stomach cancers.

To this list can be added the following microbes and possible links.

  • HTLV-1 (a type of Japanese Leukaemia)

  • Hepatitis C Liver cancer

  • Retro-virus (HTLV-2) Hairy-cell leukaemia

  • Grannloma type virus Skin cancer

One mystery of the possibility that viruses cause cancer is that, for example, 90 per cent of British adults have Epstein Barr virus but most come to no harm, even though it is now linked not just to Burkitt’s lymphoma but Hodgkin’s disease, nasopharynual cancer and a few rarer cancers. It does seem that it can inactivate a gene (p16), which is a normal cell defender (Journal of Cell Biology).

Open quotes90 per cent of British adults have Epstein Barr virus
                                                                       but most come to no harmClose quotes


Yet more viruses linked to increased cancer risk


In April 2004 scientists at the University of Pittsburgh found that 20 to 40 per cent of men with prostate cancer carried the cold sore virus, a herpes variant, in their bloodstream. That is twice the level of those with no cancer. It is already known that another variant of the herpes virus (Human Papillomavirus) is linked to cervical cancer, a fact that is public knowledge because pharmaceutical companies have developed vaccines and shouted about them.

The issue is, does the virus cause cancer (in HPV and cervical cancer scientists say a resounding, ’Yes’), or does it merely weaken the host increasing the risk of all illness?

In a paper from Tulane University (February 2004), avian viruses have become prime suspects for some human cancers. Eric Johnson, associate professor of epidemiology studied poultry workers in Baltimore and Missouri. Chicken viruses are killed when the chicken is cooked, but can you ’catch’ it from raw meat? The Baltimore study showed that the poultry workers had four times the expected rate of oesophageal cancer, while workers in Missouri had higher rates of lung, kidney, pancreas, blood or lymphatic cancers.

Two types of retrovirus exist in chickens - avian leukaemia and sarcoma virus; and reiculoendotheliosis virus (REV). Each can kill a chicken within a week of infection. What if these viruses could pass to humans? They can infect human cells in laboratory tests, so now Johnson is looking for them in the DNA of humans.

And then there are mice. Another retrovirus is the mouse mammary tumour virus (MMTV). Discovered in 1930 it causes breast cancer, albeit in mice. The ’virus hypothesis’ of a link from mice to women came about through epidemiology studies. Thomas Steward of the University of Ottawa learned that human breast cancer incidence coincides with the habitat of mus domesticus, the mouse species with MMTV. Both were most prevalent in the USA and Western Europe, and the suggested link was through fleas, anthropods or mosquitoes (BJC January 2000).

Scientists at the University of New South Wales have been looking into the possibility of a breast cancer virus for some time and they found in 2000 that 42 per cent of breast cancer patients tested did indeed have the retrovirus compared to only 2 per cent of healthy breasts. Their research in 2002 showed the virus was only located in the tumours and not in the surrounding healthy tissue.

Open quotes42 per cent of breast cancer patients tested did indeed have the retrovirus                                                       compared to only 2 per cent of healthy breastsClose quotes


Dr Robert Garry of Tulane is noting that certain vertebrate species other than mice can have a mammary virus. Dr Orli Etingin, Assistant Professor at Cornell Medical Centre, New York, says this is all very interesting. Retroviruses have been implicated in lymphomas and it is possible they do link to tumours in humans.


Then there’s Bovine Leukaemia Virus - Berkeley, UCLA showed that 49 per cent of women with breast cancer had this in their tissue, but only 29 per cent of healthy women.

And is the issue really ’viral’ anyway. Wasn’t Rife merely saying that he was finding foreign genetic material in every cancer - be it from a virus, pathogen, yeast, parasite, bacterium, whatever? In 2016 breast cancer tissue was indeed found to be different to healthy tissue. The difference was that breast tissue with cancer had two pathogens, E. coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis present. Healthy tissue did not.

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife

Back in the early 1930s the idea that there was a virus at the heart of every tumour is exactly what Dr. Rife thought.

Unfortunately the story that surrounds this man’s life’s work is nothing short of scandalous.

Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist, started working in San Diego in 1915 and from 1920 invented a totally new kind of microscope. Such was the magnification he claimed, that it would be 10 times more powerful than even today’s best microscopes. It was an amazing advance as also, unlike existing electron microscopes, Rife’s microscope could view living bacteria and viruses.

His work covered all manner of illnesses but it was with cancer he achieved his notoriety.

Using his microscope to study tumours, Rife claimed he could see a cancer-causing substance inside the tumour. This factor he identified as bacterial, but he then argued that with his microscope he could see it change shape and form, and even develop viral properties.

The shape change and indeed the cancer-causing factor’s release depended upon the medium in which it lived. He claimed quite simply that in certain conditions the cancer factor was inert or neutral, whilst in others it became active.

Instead of working on these medium changes, he started beaming light at the microorganism but he claimed to be able to find a frequency to each, so that he could both see and also by using electrical currents, ’blow up’ microorganisms involved in a variety of illnesses like TB, leprosy, anthrax, herpes, cancer and many more.

Over the forty years from 1920 to 1960 he conducted extensive research. He obtained his pathogenic organisms from top medical clinics like the Mayo Clinic, he had one of the best privately equipped laboratories in the world and his own high powered microscopes he designed and built for the isolation of cancer and other ’viruses’. His microscope was fully described in a publication called the Journal of the Franklin Institute.

Open quotesHe claimed to have isolated forty or more viruses never isolated
                                                before including ’cancer virus’Close quotes


In fact, he claimed to have isolated forty or more viruses never isolated before including ’cancer virus’ which he obtained from breast cells. In each case he ’saw’ them by shining light of a particular frequency on them through his ’prismatic virus microscope’.


A number of doctors and other scientists worked with him during his studies, not just in San Diego but also all over the USA. As part of his studies, Rife even took his cancer-causing factors and implanted them into rats. Cancer tumours formed.

Obviously though the big step was to study cancers actually in humans, rather than under microscopes. The medical research committee of the University of Southern California and Doctor Milbank Johnson, MD oversaw the first clinical study. Sixteen people, each with different cancers in terminal forms were treated and fourteen were clear within three months. Dr Alvin G Feord, a clinical pathologist, confirmed this. In 1939 Rife addressed the Royal Society of Medicine in London and they approved his findings.

In the late 1930s and 1940s Rife’s work was being developed in other parts of America notably by Dr Stafford in Ohio and Dr James Couche. Milbank Johnson, a millionaire, funded three clinics, working in one himself for 8 years. Dr Arthur Kendall, Director of Medical Research at North Western University and Rife published a full report of their studies in the Journal of the Californian Medical Association, and Dr Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic observed other studies, which he in turn published.

Work now needed to change gear. If live human beings were to be treated a methodology for delivering the correct resonance frequency into the tumours had to be perfected. During the 1950s Rife worked with his engineer John Crane to build an improved type of ’frequency device’, using electrodes, which could be placed on the body to provide the resonance waves to kill the virus. Together they formed the Rife Ray Beam Tube Corporation.

By 1960, some 90 resonance machines had been built and distributed for use across America, and even in England.

Open quotesVarious scientists and doctors used them all
                                                    claiming great successesClose quotes


Various scientists and doctors used them all claiming great successes.


But life was starting to go wrong.

Although Rife and others had asked the Department of Health, The American Cancer Society, The Sloan-Kettering Institute and many others to review their work, all declined. The American Cancer Society did show some interest until they found out that neither Rife nor Crane were medical doctors. No one seemed interested in an electronic frequency as a method of curing cancer.

Rife requested that medical schools reviewed his work and this did take place at the Hooper Foundation of the University of California and at Northwestern Medical School but still no Medical Authority was interested.

In 1960 the American Medical Association apparently raided Crane’s laboratories without a search warrant and what they didn’t remove, they smashed. Crane was taken to trial in 1961 by which time Rife was 72 and living out of reach of the authorities in Mexico. At Crane’s trial no evidence was allowed from any doctor, or any research trial, and Crane was jailed for illegally treating patients. 14 patients did testify, but the prosecution instead used the opinion of Dr Paul Shea, who had been given a frequency machine two months before and had never even turned it on. Yet, Dr Shea testified that it could have no curative powers. The foreman of the jury was apparently an AMA doctor, and Crane was sentenced to ten years in jail, which following appeal was cut. He served three years.

Various other practitioners like Dr Stafford in Ohio gave up their studies and the work finished.

Of course, the really sad thing is that all this happened over 50 years ago. How much more could have been learned if work had continued? About the same time the Russians actually started their research on body energy and noted that each organ has its own particular frequency, as indeed does a cancer cell. The Russians continue their work on resonance machines; one such machine is the Oberon machine and the Dove Clinic in the UK has an example.

Whether there are viruses or bacterial factors at the heart of all cancers is a question that still hasn’t actually been answered, 75 years after Rife invented his microscope. How crazy is that?

Open quotesWhether there are viruses or bacterial factors at the heart of ALL cancers
                                    is a question that still hasn’t actually been answeredClose quotes


And whilst placing electrodes on people around their tumours may have been a crude way of treating them with a resonance frequency that might kill cancer cells, the principle is undoubtedly correct. MRI scans use the principle of differing frequencies of organs and cancer cells every day of the week in oncology units.


Rife died in 1971, a broken man. If more and more cancers are found to have a viral cause, and Rife’s experiments can be replicated and advanced we may yet have a cure for cancer, one that can be purchased and used in every home. And maybe Dr Royal Rife will be afforded the place in history he deserves. He was never able to travel to England and address the Royal Society and remained stuck in USA while the Beam-Ray trial went ahead.

But arguably the saddest part to all this, and one that feeds the conspiracy theorists, is simply that the work was just dismissed. Not reviewed, not developed, not logically and scientifically appraised, just dismissed.

Barry Lynes, a journalist, wrote a book called The Cancer Cure that Worked! 50 Years of Suppression. Now at least some scientists have been finding examples, in Germany and the UK, of the Rife-Crane machines and we may yet see some commonsense prevail with new studies and scientific tests conducted under the auspices of the authorities. Especially as more and more studies seem to find viruses and other such factors at the root of cancers.

Rife Machines

The original ’Rife Machine’ was extremely high powered covering a frequency range from about 12,000 Hertz to 20 million Hertz (cycles per second). Originally, Rife was a Scientist and inventor and his machines had absolutely nothing to do with treating any illness, let alone cancer.

However, in later years these wide frequencies were limited to 150,000 to 15 million, and these used to analyse the ’viral’ frequency and then ’zap’ it.

Since Rife’s time, many individuals and companies have offered an electrofrequency or Rife Machine to patients or for sale. But readers should not that it is very hard to imagine how a $100 Rife Machine could actually do anything like the work Rife’s original machine did. The frequencies need to be in the very high end of the Hertz range, and this is hard to accomplish in ’off the shelf’ systems.

Often called zappers, there is no doubt that technological advances will lead the way. In 2017, one such ’zapper’ is called the Spooky 2. It comes with lots of accessories like software and generators. See for yourself here. But we are not endorsing it, simply because we have no research on it.



Disease and infection as a cause of cancer
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