Chemotherapy and ’Healthy foods’

Memorial Sloan-Kettering and MD Anderson urge people on Chemotherapy to Choose Healthy Foods
In contrast to UK recommendations, which include pictures of cheeseburgers, sticky, sugary buns and milk shakes, top American cancer centres MD Anderson, Texas, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York recommend much the same as Chris Woollams and CANCERactive do in the article A Diet for chemotherapy. You will note they talk about limiting sugar intake but then six or so studies in the last 18 months have shown glucose feeds cancer.

"When you’re being treated for cancer, it’s important to avoid extreme diets that may leave you short on key nutrients," says Veronica McLymont, PhD, RD, director of food and nutrition services at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

* Choose whole grain breads and cereals.

* Drink 100% fruit or vegetable juices. 

* Fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruits. 

* A few times a week, choose meatless meals such as vegetarian lasagna or vegetable stir-fry.

* Snack on carrot sticks, sweet pepper slices, and fresh or dried fruits.

* Have a leafy green salad with dinner.

* Limit sugary foods -- the kind with lots of calories but very little        

* Pick lean meats and fish more often than red meat and processed

 At last - the definitive, research-based book on how to build a diet to help beat cancer. Click here to read about it.

Try to Eat, Even If You Don’t Have an Appetite

Lack of appetite is common during cancer treatment. Some treatments can even make food taste unpleasant. "Even though you don’t feel like eating, it’s important to get adequate nutrition," says Sarah Rafat, RD, a senior dietitian at MD Anderson Cancer Center. 

Heres what to do: 

* Choose high-calorie, nutrient-rich foods such as avocados, nuts, beans,      
seeds, puddings, and cooked cereals.

* Eat small meals throughout your day.

* Dont wait until you’re hungry to eat. Instead, eat at certain times of day.

* Keep your favourite foods close at hand.

* Make your meals look appealing. Add parsley, lemon slices, cherry      
tomatoes, and other colourful garnishes to your plate.

Ease Side Effects With Food

* Certain foods can help ease the common discomforts from cancer treatment. 

* Conquer constipation by drinking water and eating high-fibre foods like      
beans, lentils, vegetables, and fresh or dried fruit. 

* Drive away diarrhoea with bland foods such as rice, bananas, and apples.      
Drink water to stay hydrated. 

* Protect mouth sores and avoid dry mouth by grinding or pureing foods to make them easier to swallow. Or eat foods that are already soft and mostly liquid, like soups and milk or yoghurt shakes. 

* Control nausea by choosing bland foods and foods without strong odours.        
Steer clear of greasy foods. Go easy on your stomach by eating small      
meals throughout the day. Drink plenty of water even if you are vomiting.

To read the CANCERactive article, A Diet for Chemotherapy, CLICK HERE

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